Thursday, May 5, 2011

Creating a bootable usb disk for ubuntu


Desperately was trying to install ubuntu as my laptop cd.dvd drive failed and was running to problems lately

Download the iso file 

system  > adminstration>start up disk creator >

boot from usb drive

u will run into problems like

Unknown keyword in configuration file.” Ubuntu USB boot 


congratulations  usb disk is ready



Saturday, February 26, 2011

Struck at grub rescue after accidently deleting the ubuntu partion

If you have installed ubuntu 10.10 or any linux operating system on a extendended partition and have accidently deleted it.trying to free up space

Then you  willl be struck at grub screen.

The simplest way for you to boot  into windows again  is to use a live ubuntu live cd

and execute the following commands in the terminal

sudo apt-get install lilo
sudo lilo -M /dev/sda mbr